TBR – April 2024

Happy Easter and Happy Purim to those who celebrate

The less said about the Rugby last night the better! Cardiff lost 20-15 to Munster, and Wales lost 46-10 to England in the Women’s Six Nations. Jack, predictably, gloated about it (why did I marry an Englishman?) and so, naturally, I spanked his ass for it. Even though I know after all these years that he does it on purpose to goad me into spanking him – the man does love a spanking after all – and I know I could deny him because of it, but I enjoy doling it out almost as much and so it works every single time. If I thought there was any malice in his teasing when Wales lose, it would be a very different story

It’s been a fairly typical weekend in our household, with extra bonus chocolate due to the holiday. Sundays have always been family day, and today was no different. Jack took the dogs out for a walk, came back with Easter Eggs for us all while Lucy and I made a fry up. I spent the rest of the morning poking around Threads and Instagram, and learning to use Canva – I think I’m getting the hang of them but only time will tell.

Then as is typical for us for a Sunday afternoon, we indulged in some BDSM fun for the afternoon. Even now a few hours later, Jack & Lucy both vibrating toys in place that I have a remote control for!

I also pulled together my TBR for April. I’m being a little ambitious with 10 books, I usually average 6 or 7 books a month but this gives me a good selection to choose from and even a couple of genres I don’t usually read!
Alexandria Bellefleur – The FiancĂ©e Farce
Arthur C Clarke – 2001: A Space Odyssey
Brian Cox – Black Holes
Parasite – Mira Grant
Holly Hepburn – The Missing Maid
Nicholas Spencer – Magisteria
JRR Tolkien – The Hobbit
HG Wells – The Time Machine
Jaimie Admans – The Chateau of Happily Ever Afters
Isaac Asimov – I, Robot


Dear Physiotherapist,

There is only one sadist who enjoys making people cry in my life – and that evil bitch is me!

Whilst I appreciate your tough love approach, the ‘no pain, no gain’ aspect of this regime is not one that I am a fan of.

I would suggest you inflict the pain on my husband since he enjoys that but… he’s mine and that’s my job.

As I have been informed that inflicting any form of violence upon you would be frowned on, I shall instead take it out on both Jack and Lucy’s asses. At least that way some fun will had from the doling out of pain.
